With advancing years of life, the skin undergoes an inevitable natural aging process that results in a variety of characteristic changes in its appearance. The superficial skin layer begins to dry and thin out even though the number of cells remains the same. There is not enough collagen and elastin production in the skin which are the skin structural proteins responsible for healthy, smooth, plump skin. The blood vessels lying underneath the skin become more fragile.Furthermore, the melanocytes, which are the skin-colored pigment-producing cells, decline in their count, the development of new melanocytic nevi becomes reduced, and the remaining melanocytes become larger. Hence, aged skin appears paler, translucent, and thinner, and has age spots or liver spots medically referred to as lentigos in the sun-exposed areas, shares the best skin doctor in Delhi, Dr. Rakesh Jangra, founder of the best skin clinic in Rohini, Rakshaa Skin Clinic.With aging, the pigmentary system of the skin is modified to some extent and uneven pigmentation is one of the major changes experienced by old people. There are numerous pigmentary disorders linked to aging of the skin such as solar lentigo caused by an increase in melanin production and idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis or graying of hair caused by a decline in melanin production.
If you are a middle-aged individual or older, probably you may witness visible changes in your skin such as dark spots or patches on different body areas including the face, hands, chest, shoulder, forearms, neck, and upper back. When these discolorations are prominent over the face or any body part that goes uncovered, it would be quite disconcerting and even lower your self-confidence. Your only desire would be to get back the smooth and even skin tone. Thankfully, this skin concern can be treated by the aesthetic dermatology treatments.Here are popular dermatological procedures offered Rakshaa Skin Clinic, skin clinic in Delhi that helps one to get rid of age-related skin discolorations:
IPL or Intense pulsed light makes use of multiple wavelengths of light to target and heat damage the excess melanocytes present in the age spots without harming the surrounding skin. Its better alternative is laser resurfacing that accurately and precisely treats pigmented lesions or age spots and provides dramatic results. In this treatment, medical-grade ablative lasers are used to remove the old, damaged skin layers and reveal new, refreshing, healthy skin. Lasers also work by heating the skin dermis and encouraging collagen production that further smoothens, clears, even out, and firms the skin.
Chemical peels can improve the appearance of age-related pigmented lesions by using acids to get rid of the outer old skin layer. This treatment lay bare a new healthy skin layer that is much smoother and youthful-looking. With new skin cells being exposed, they become more active and allow cell regeneration or new cell production eventually leading to an increase in collagen remodeling. It is the best choice for fair-skinned people. There are different types of chemical peels available varying in the skin penetration abilities of different acids: superficial, medium, and deep peels. Examples of chemical peels for age spots include lactic acid or trichloroacetic acid.
Medi-Facials are clinically-proven, personalized medical-grade facials that can truly transform the skin’s appearance. They are tailor-made based on the personal goals and needs of the patients involving a unique selection of active ingredients, serums, and masks to address the specific skin concern. It is the perfect non-invasive choice for people seeking inside-out healthier youthful skin, a revitalizing massage, and deep cleaning. This treatment cleans, hydrates, nourishes, and repairs the skin as well as even out the skin tone and texture, hence providing a superior skin quality without any discomfort and downtime.
Mesotherapy is an injectable treatment wherein a cocktail of ingredients such as vitamins, hormones, enzymes, and others are administered into the middle skin layer using very thin needles. This treatment works on the root cause of skin deterioration such as poor blood circulation and inflammation by allowing permeation of a healthy concentration of liquid mixture into the skin. It levels out the skin tone and makes it radiant as well as promotes collagen and elastin production to restore the suppleness of the skin.Dr. Rakesh Jangra, is an experienced dermatologist in Delhi, and he helps his patients get the desired results with the best combination of treatments. The combination of the skin treatments he suggests increases the lost confidence of the individual and the patient finds the treatment worthy enough. His modesty, patient-care, post-treatment follow ups are some of the aspects which make Dr. Rakesh Jangra, the Best skin specialist in Delhi (Rohini and Pitampura).
Content Source : https://medium.com/@rakshaaclinic/do-the-risk-of-pigmentation-increase-with-age-6f8d235005fe